The EXIT GetSet MB220 is a over three-meter outdoor play and fitness frame. The following accessories are included: push-up bar, dip station, battle rope rings, punching bag, wooden gymnastics rings, climbing wall and holds. This monkeybar is multifunctional and offers fun and challenges young children, teenagers, young adults, and adults alike.
Playing outside with lots of fantasy
With this outdoor play and fitness unit, you have the basis for hours of fun at home. This way, you encourage the children to go outside and play and have fun together. With the accessories included, there's more than enough to vary with. The children can use this as a climbing frame and enjoy swinging back and forth on the monkey bars. Do remove all the accessories first. Your children will enjoy the fresh outdoor air and invent their own creative games on the GetSet MB220. Let the imagination run wild!
Outdoor fitness in your own garden
While the kids are playing on the GetSet MB220, you can use it for all kinds of sports exercises. With the frame and the included sports accessories, such as the push-up bar and dip station, you can combine to your heart's content and create your own workout. The monkeybar itself trains different muscle groups, such as arm, back and shoulder muscles. You hang from a grip (bar) and move to the next grip with one hand. In this way, you swing all the way underneath the GetSet. Do remove all accessories first. Bring the gym to your home with the GetSet MB220!
Choose your extra accessories
In addition to the added accessories you can also order the extra EXIT GetSet accessories. If your children are still young, then choose accessories for playing, like the wooden swing and climbing net. You can also order separate EXIT GetSet sports accessories, such as a multifunctional gym bench. You change the accessories with the easy suspension system, and you can get started with countless new exercises.
Quality comes first
At EXIT Toys, quality comes first. The sturdy frame is galvanised and powder-coated. As a result, rust has no chance and the GetSet MB220 has a long lifespan. Thanks to the plastic connecting parts between the metal tubes, you won’t have any annoying squeaking or creaking noise from metal rubbing against metal. All the more fun!
Due to the solid anchoring of the frame with quick set concrete, the foundation of this unit is super stable. This is very safe if more people use the GetSet MB220 at the same time or in strong winds. An anchoring set (excluding quick set concrete) is supplied as standard, including a step-by-step plan that shows you exactly how to secure your GetSet MB220.
For hours of outdoor fun
Due to its compact size, the play and fitness frame fits in every garden. You can easily assemble this play and fitness unit yourself using the manual. The GetSet MB220 is the perfect outdoor play and fitness unit for the whole family. GetSet and go!
General characteristics
Article number
EAN code
Product group
Play and sport
Galvanised and powder-coated steel
From which materials do we manufacture the product?
Requires assembly
Requires assembly Before using, the product first has to be assembled. The product is not delivered ready-to-use.
Easily assembled
Easily assembled Is the product easy to assemble using a manual and does not require technical knowledge?
Manual included
Manual included Does the product include a manual (including instructions for use) so you can assemble it yourself?
Average assembly time (2 persons)
210 minutes
Average assembly time (2 persons)
How long does it take to assemble the product?
Minimum age
3 years
Minimum age From which age can this product be used safely?
Standards and/or quality marks
Standards and/or quality marks
Which standards and/or quality marks does the product comply with?
EN: this product is approved according to a European safety standard. The figure after EN refers to the relevant European safety standard(s) used in testing this product.
CE: this mark indicates that the product was designed and manufactured in compliance with the legal requirements regarding safety, health and the environment.
GS: Geprüfte Sicherheit (GS) is an additional certificate and it means that the product meets the German standard – and if applicable also the European standard – for safe use.
FSC: the FSC quality mark is proof that the wood for this product originates from a forest managed according to the international FSC standard for sustainable forest management.
EXIT protocol: Sometimes there is no existing standard suitable for testing the product safety of our products. To meet the highest safety requirements, we have therefore developed our own EXIT test protocol in collaboration with an accredited testing institute to ensure the safety of our products.
By which accredited testing institute has this product been tested for safety?
Weather resistant
Weather resistant Is the product resistant to weather influences, such as sunlight, rain, hail, snow and wind?
352 cm
What is the maximum length of this product?
248 cm
What is the maximum height of this product? This means the height from the ground up to the highest point of the product.
125 cm
What is the maximum width of this product?
138.3 kg
What is the total weight of the product, including the packaging?
Suitable for
3 persons
Anchoring set
Anchoring set Does this product include an anchoring set so that you can anchor it into the ground?
Monkey bar
Monkey bar Is the GetSet delivered including monkey bar?
Suspension hooks
Suspension hooks
Is the GetSet delivered including suspension hooks? A suspension hook is supplied for each handle of the monkey bar frame. This is a quick release system with a carabiner that you can use to hang play and sports accessories. Want to remove an accessory? Then simply click it out of the carabiner!
Wooden gymnastics rings
Wooden gymnastics rings
Is the GetSet delivered including wooden gymnastics rings? Wooden gymnastics rings are suitable for children up to 50 kg, plastic gymnastics rings are suitable for adults up to 100 kg.
Plastic gymnastics rings
Plastic gymnastics rings
Is the GetSet delivered including plastic gymnastics rings? Wooden gymnastics rings are suitable for children up to 50 kg, plastic gymnastics rings are suitable for adults up to 100 kg.
Is the GetSet delivered including swing seat?
Is the GetSet delivered including trapeze?
Punching bag
Punching bag
Is the GetSet delivered including punching bag?
Climbing net
Climbing net
Is the GetSet delivered including climbing net?
Climbing wall
Climbing wall
Is the GetSet delivered including climbing wall?
Holds for the climbing wall
Holds for the climbing wall Is the GetSet delivered including holds for the climbing wall?
Exercise bar
Exercise bar
Is the GetSet delivered including exercise bar?
Push-up bar
Push-up bar
Is the GetSet delivered including push-up bar?
Pull-up bar
Pull-up bar
Is the GetSet delivered including pull-up bar?
Dip station
Dip station
Is the GetSet delivered including dip station?
Climbing rope
Climbing rope
Is the GetSet delivered including climbing rope?
Gym bench
Gym bench
Is the GetSet delivered including gym bench?
Barbell holder
Barbell holder
Is the GetSet delivered including barbell holder?
Barbell Is the GetSet delivered including barbell?
Battle rope rings
Battle rope rings
Is the GetSet delivered including battle rope rings?
Battle rope
Battle rope Is the GetSet delivered including battle rope?
Colour What is the colour of the frame?
Material From which materials do we manufacture the frame?
Galvanised and powder-coated
How is the frame finished? Galvanised steel protects against scratches, weather influences and rust. Powder-coated steel provides an extra layer for additional durability. Anodised aluminium had undergone an electrolyte treatment. Anodised layers are applied to aluminum, because: they are and stay nice, increase the corrosion resistance and wear resistance and even after long use hardly give any material loss.
Diameter of the rod
ø 40 x 1,5 mm, ø 60 x 1,5 mm
Diameter of the rod What is the diameter and thickness of the frame rod?
Warranty on the frame
10 years
Warranty on the frame
How long is the warranty on damage to the frame?
Monkey bar
250 x 51 cm
What is the maximum size (length x width) of the monkey bar?
Height from the ground
234 cm
Height from the ground What is the maximum height of the monkey bar, measured from the ground?
Maximum user weight
100 kg
Maximum user weight What is the recommended weight that the monkey bar can handle for a safe use?
Number of holds
Number of holds How many holds does the monkey bar have?
Diameter and thickness of holds
⌀ 38 x 1,5 mm
Diameter and thickness of holds What is the diameter and thickness of the monkey bar holds?
10 years
Warranty How long is the warranty on breakage of the monkey bar?
Wooden gymnastics rings
Number How many wooden gymnastics rings does the GetSet have?
Ring material
Cypress wood
Ring material What material are the wooden gymnastics rings made of?
Rope material
Rope material What material is the rope of the wooden gymnastics rings made of?
Ring diameter
⌀ 19 cm
Ring diameter What is the diameter of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Ring thickness
25 mm
Ring thickness What is the thickness of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Rope thickness
⌀ 12 mm
Rope thickness What is the thickness of the rope of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Height adjustable
Height adjustable Are the wooden gymnastics rings adjustable in height?
Minimum adjustable height
105 cm
Minimum adjustable height What is the minimum adjustable height of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Maximum adjustable height
150 cm
Maximum adjustable height What is the maximum adjustable height of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Maximum user weight
50 kg
Maximum user weight What is the recommended weight that the wooden gymnastics rings can support for a safe use?
Including suspension system
Including suspension system Will you receive a suspension system to hang the wooden gymnastics rings on the frame?
2 years
Warranty How long is the warranty on breakage of the wooden gymnastics rings?
Punching bag
⌀ 33 x 94 cm
Dimensions What is the maximum size (diameter x height) of the punching bag?
Colour What colour does the punching bag have?
Material What material is the punching bag made of?
Water, Air
Filling What do you fill the punching bag with? We will provide you with the punching bag cover and a pump. You can fill the bag with air and water yourself. The air/water ratio determines how strong the punching bag is, and therefore how intense your workout will be.
Water capacity / volume
85 liters
Water capacity / volume What is the maximum amount of water that fits in the punching bag?
86,5 kg
Weight What is the maximum weight of the punching bag filled with water?
Height adjustable
Height adjustable Can the height of the punching bag be adjusted?
Including suspension system
Including suspension system Do you receive a suspension system that you can use to hang the punching bag on the frame?
2 years
Warranty How long is the warranty for breakage of the punching bag?
Climbing wall
113 x 220 cm
Dimensions What is the maximum size (length x width) of the climbing wall?
Colour What colour does the climbing wall have?
Cypress wood
Material What material is the climbing wall made of?
Colour holds
Grey, Light green, Dark green
Colour holds What colours do the holds of the climbing wall have?
Material holds
Composite stone
Material holds What material are the holds made of?
Number of holds
Number of holds How many holds does the climbing wall have?
Maximum user weight
100 kg
Maximum user weight What is the recommended weight that the climbing wall can support for a safe use?
Warranty climbing wall
2 years
Warranty climbing wall How long is the warranty on breakage of the climbing wall?
Warranty holds
2 years
Warranty holds How long is the warranty on breakage of the holds?
Push-up bar
Colour What colour does the push-up bar have?
Material What material is the push-up bar made of?
Galvanised and powder-coated
Finish How has the push-up bar been finished? Galvanised steel protects against scratches, weather influences and rust. Powder-coated steel provides an extra layer for additional durability.
96 cm
Width What is the width of the push-up bar?
Diameter and thickness
ø 42 x 1,5 mm
Diameter and thickness What is the diameter and thickness of the push-up bar?
Height from the ground
40 cm
Height from the ground What is the height of the push-up bar measured from the ground?
Maximum user weight
100 kg
Maximum user weight What is the recommended weight that the push-up bar can support for a safe use?
2 years
Warranty How long is the warranty on breakage of the push-up bar?
Dip station
Colour What colour does the dip station have?
Material What material is the dip station made of?
Galvanised and powder-coated
Finish How has the dip station been finished? Galvanised steel protects against scratches, weather influences and rust. Powder-coated steel provides an extra layer for additional durability.
82 cm
Width What is the width of the dip station?
Spacing between grips
52 cm
Spacing between grips What is the spacing between the grips of the dip station?
Diameter and thickness
ø 42 x 1,5 mm
Diameter and thickness What is the diameter and thickness of the dip station?
Height from the ground
124 cm
Height from the ground What is the height of the dip station measured from the ground?
Maximum user weight
100 kg
Maximum user weight What is the recommended weight that the dip station can support for a safe use?
2 years
Warranty How long is the warranty on breakage of the dip station?
Battle rope rings
Including battle rope
Including battle rope
Is the GetSet delivered including battle rope?
Number How many battle rope rings does the GetSet have?
Diameter ring
ø 65 mm
Diameter ring What is the maximum diameter (inside) of the battle rope ring?
Colour What colour do the battle rope rings have?
Material What material are the battle rope rings made of?
Galvanised and powder-coated
Finish How have the battle rope rings been finished? Galvanised steel protects against scratches, weather influences and rust. Powder-coated steel provides an extra layer for additional durability.
Height from the ground
40 cm
Height from the ground What is the height of the battle rope rings measured from the ground?
Maximum loadable weight
100 kg
Maximum loadable weight What is the maximum loadable weight that a battle rope ring can support for a safe use?
2 years
Warranty How long is the warranty on breakage of the battle rope ring?
Anchoring set
Number of ground anchors
Number of ground anchors
How many ground anchors are supplied with this product?
60 x 25 x 25 cm
Length What is the maximum length of the ground anchors?
Hole size
30 x 30 x 40 cm
Hole size
What are the maximum dimensions (length x width x height) of the hole in the ground in which the ground anchors are to be placed? Once the hole for the base has been dug, a third of the ground anchor is hammered into the bottom of the hole. The remaining two-thirds of the anchor is then secured by pouring fast-setting concrete into the hole.
Material What material are the ground anchors made of?
Finish How have the ground anchors been finished? Galvanised steel protects against scratches, weather influences and rust.
Suitable for
Loose surface
Suitable for
What is a suitable surface for this product? Loose surfaces such as sand, clay and grass are good surfaces.
Type of connection
Fast-setting concrete
Type of connection
How is this product attached to the ground in combination with the ground anchors? We recommend using fast-setting concrete, two bags of 25 kg per ground anchor is enough!
Including fast-setting concrete
Including fast-setting concrete
Is this product delivered including fast-setting concrete? We recommend using fast-setting concrete, one bag of 25 kg per ground anchor is enough!
5 years
How long is the warranty on breakage of the ground anchors?
Packaging information
This product comes in 7 boxes with a total weight of 138.3 kilos.
Note: delivery times may vary due to possible delays at border customs (UK).
This product is delivered to your home by DPD. As soon as the order is shipped, we send you an e-mail with the track & trace link of DPD so that you can follow the shipment. You can also adjust the delivery time and address.
If DPD cannot deliver the order, the transport service will first try to deliver it to one of your neighbours. If this does not succeed, then the package can be picked up the following business day at the nearest DPD pick-up point. In that case, the transport service will leave you a note with the address where you can pick up the package.
Note: an order may consist of several packages, which - in exceptional cases - may not be delivered on the same day.
Note: all our products are delivered non-assembled, but you can easily assemble them yourself with the help of the included manual.
Fits all GetSet monkeybars Including holds Easy to assemble
Out of stock
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