Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit
26 juli 2023

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit

A sandpit in your garden offers children great fun and play. And you too will benefit optimally from the sandpit with these golden maintenance tips! How can you keep the sandpit safe, free of bugs and make sure that the sand will not end up outside the sandpit? In this blog you can read all about the ins and outs about placing, filling and maintaining your sandpit.

Tip 1: Place the sandpit on a spot with sufficient sunlight

Where have you placed your sandpit or where do you plan on placing it in your garden? When you place the sandpit on a dark and moist spot, the sand is more likely to become mouldy. Therefore, choose a spot with sufficient sunlight and possibly also with a parasol to protect your (child)ren against the sun. A parasol makes playing in the sandpit even more fun: it makes them feel like they are actually on a beach.

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit

In addition to that, make sure that the spot for the sandpit is one where the water can easily get away and which is preferably a little distant from trees and shrubs. Children will then hardly have to deal with annoying twigs and leaves in the play sand.

Tip 2: Fill the sandpit with special play sand

The best sand to use for in the sandpit is play sand. The sand is washed and sieved, has a fine grain and is therefore perfect for children to play with. Once the sandpit has been filled, it is advisable to regularly check for sharp objects. Another golden tip is to place an EXIT Toys root mat underneath the sand. This way, the play sand will not mix with the garden soil, but the rainwater can still escape!

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit

Tip 3: Cover the sandpit when it is not being used

To avoid dirt from getting into the sandpit, you can place a lid or cover over it when it is not being used for play. It ensures that your play sand will stay safe and clean and prevents pets and other animals from using it for something else.


Some sandpits from EXIT Toys have included lid covers. For all the other sandpits we also have separate sandpit covers. The sandpit covers from EXIT Toys have special arrogation holes. Rain allows for a natural cleansing of the sand. The arrogation holes ensure that the rainwater can get away via the sand and the moisture evaporates so that the sand remains ventilated, fresh and odour free.

Tip 4: No eating in the sandpit

Have the children started to feel peckish after all that sand cake baking? Then let them take a break outside of the sandpit. Spills of juice, a lollypop stick or biscuit crumbs: insects love them. Try to avoid getting food scraps in the play sand, by keeping pests at a safe distance. Do your children really enjoy baking in the sandpit? Luckily insects are less interested in homemade sand pies. Especially in the sandpit with kitchen they can whip up the most delicious sand dishes and play with pots and pans for hours on end.

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit

But what if the bugs keep coming? Check your kitchen cupboards for any herbs or spices you might still have. You see, cinnamon powder for example is excellent to use for keeping away flies and mosquitos and ants can be chased away with black pepper. Sprinkle the herbs or spices in or around the sandpit and you will no longer be bothered by these little intruders!

Tip 5: Replace the play sand when necessary

How often does the play sand need to be replaced? We advise you to refresh the play sand once a year and when used intensively twice a year. When you cover the sand every time after it has been used, you could even use it longer than a year. Every garden is different, so check the sand regularly and replace it when you think the time is ripe to do so.

Tip 6: Avoid messiness outside the sandpit

Apart from keeping the sandpit clean and safe, you of course also want to make sure that the rest of the garden and the inside of the house is kept clean and tidy. Children do love to take their buckets along on little walks leaving a lovely sand trail behind. Therefore, set some clear guidelines for your child(ren) so that the sand actually stays inside the sandpit.


Did the kids have great fun rummaging around in the sandpit and are they now covered in sand? Talcum powder is the solution! Sprinkle a bit of talcum powder over their sandy hands and legs and you will then be able to wipe off the sand in no time.

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit

With the help of these tips, the sandpit will remain safe and tidy, allowing your children to enjoy endless hours of fun and play. Does your child still need some extra encouragement? Then why not check out our blog about play ideas for in the sandpit.

More information? Call, email or chat with us!

Do you still have some additional questions about our sandpits? Or do you have your own golden maintenance tips? Please let us know! Contact us via chat, call +31 314 - 796 020 or email us at info@exittoys.com. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Six tips for placing, filling and maintaining the sandpit
Written by: Carolien

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