Common questions about outdoor toys


What is the best sand for a sandpit?

Sand for a sandpit is available; it’s also known as play sand. The sand is sieved and rinsed, has a fine grain and therefore perfect for children to play in.

Do you already have sand at home? Check the following points:

  • Is the sand sticky? With sand that is too loose, children cannot build sand castles and that takes away from the fun of playing in the sandpit!
  • Is there any clay in the sand? Clay dirties the knees and creates brown stains on clothing.
  • Are there no sharp pieces in the sand? If there are pieces of rubble in the sand, children can get bruised.
How much sand fits into my EXIT sandpit?

We advise you to fill 75% of the sandpit. This is to prevent surplus sand from winding up outside of the sandpit. In the product specification of the sandpits, you will find the number of kilos sand suitable for your EXIT sandpit. Below is a list of kilograms for sandpits:

EXIT Aksent sandpit 94x77cm
45 kg

EXIT Aksent sandpit with benches 136x132cm
440 kg

EXIT Aksent wooden sandpit hexagon 160x140cm
375 kg

EXIT Aksent wooden sandpit hexagon 200x170cm
585 kg

EXIT Aksent wooden sandpit 200x140cm
440 kg

EXIT Aksent wooden sandpit boat 190x90cm
200 kg

Water remains in my EXIT sandpit. What can I do about it?

If water remains in the sandpit, the problem might be that the sandpit does not discharge the water effectively. This might be related to the substrate. In any case, we recommend not placing the sandpit in the middle of a 100x100 concrete tile or on a terrace with cement joints.

In addition, the cover of the sandpit does not keep the sand dry. Actually, our covers are not watertight, which keeps the sandpit sufficiently ventilated and prevents the formation of mould.


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